domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Okay, here is the testimony of Katie, who was an extra on LOST, I envy her because she sat beside Elizabeth, the thing is that she posted this...

"...I had hair and makeup sitting between the girl who plays Juliet (Elizabeth Marshall) and the asian guy (Daniel Dae Kim). They were really nice and talked to me. Juliet didnt seem like she would be very nice other than the fact that she felt she had to because her costar was. She is one of those people who always makes a pouty face in attempt to always look super attractive, unfortunately it just makes her look like Renee Zellwegger with extra lip collagen"

I totally disagree with her, because people who have met her said she is super nice, plus I dont think she needs to put a pouty face (what ever that means) to look attractive, she is attractive and she doesn't look anything like Renee Z... The good thing about this post is that we know Juliet is still alive, and that we are going to se her a lot this season... Anyways here is the link from this woman... if you want to continue reading!!!

2 comentarios:

katiejames. dijo...

why are you reading my blog. thats weird. you dont know me.

Elizabeth Mitchell Rules dijo...

Google Alert!!! Plus you are quoted on DARK UFO as well!!!

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